Financial Investments

Stocks Listed on Borsa Istanbul

We invest in companies whose shares are listed on Borsa Istanbul, with a focus on value investment. We compare our return with Consumer Price Index and the BIST 100 Return Index. In addition, we implement a strategy of hedging / benefiting from short and medium term market fluctuations with index futures contracts. In order to keep the possible capital loss within acceptable limits; the collateral amount we use in these transactions does not exceed 5% of the total fund size or the amount of the position taken does not exceed half of the total fund size.

TL-denominated Debt Instruments

We invest Turkish Lira denominated short-medium term high return debt instruments of quality companies issued in Turkey. We compare our return to the most traded government bond interest rate (benchmark interest rate) and bank deposit interest. We prefer shorter term debt instruments rather than long term ones. In addition, we prefer those that are indexed to inflation or benchmark interest rate and those with high spreads as possible above the benchmark interest rate.

Global Markets Stocks

We invest in stocks with a focus on value investment in global stock markets, including developed and developing markets, especially the US markets. We compare our return with the S&P 500 index.

Foreign Currency Denominated Debt Instruments

We invest in foreign currency denominated debt instruments issued by Turkish companies. With these investments, we aim to obtain high returns in foreign currency terms by not taking the Turkish Lira risk. In our investments, we pay attention to the liquidity of these long-term debt instruments in the secondary market.

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